Wednesday 6 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During this process myself and the group learnt quite a lot from making the video. I feel the video editing was where we learnt the most as none of us had used the editing software (iMovie) before, but after a few minutes we were becoming used to it and finding it easier to edit clips.

During filming we learnt it was important to watch out for giveaway such as continuity and reflections on other surfaces, which could show the camera equipment or other members of the group, but we also realised that we shouldn't have looked back at our footage as much as we did because this mixed up our footage into different parts of the tape meaning we had to import and export everything twice, slowing our progress. We also realised to take more care to make sure people ar in the same positions for different camera takes as these are easily spotted on the film.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you have experienced these things. It will help with your final production.
