Thursday 21 October 2010

Camera Shot Plan

Camera Shot Plan

Opening with an establishing shot. A man walks past a telephone box. It rings and the shot switches to an over the shoulder shot facing the telephone box. Another shot of Alex walking towards the phone box. A closeup on Alex answering the phone.

He hears breathing down the phone. Switches to a shot of the mouth of the person of the other end of the phone. Keeping it anonymous. Back to previous shot and Alex slams the phone down. Alex opens the door and walks away, as the door closes you see Ed hang up his mobile phone.
Alex begins to walk home and in the background you can see Ben. An over the shoulder shot reveals a light on in his house. A side shot of Alex walking up to his house. A match on action as he pushes the already open door. The shots carries on to see him put down his bag, as he moves away from in front of the mirror, Tom becomes visible.

Alex continues to walk through the house with a handheld camera shot behind him. He pushes open the door, we see this from the other side. The television is static, we see this from the front at the televisions level and then from the side. The phone begins to ring and we have a close up on the phone. We see Alex pick up the phone and we have a shot from directly behind his head. As Alex speaks into the phone we see a side profile of Ed and Alex, which as Ed hangs up the phone switches to a shot in front of Alex with Tom, Ben and Ed visible behind Alex as he discovers he is not alone.

The shot then switches to a static picture with the credits scrolling down. And as the credits stop the screen fades to black and a phone disconnected sounds pays and fades out after a few seconds.

1 comment:

  1. You could add detail by including the transitions you intend to use as well as estimated durations for the shots.
