Thursday 7 October 2010

Movie Intro Notes

The Book Of Eli (2009)
Most of the information in this intro is through what you see, as there is no dialouge in the first three minutes, all you can hear is a booming sound at the very beginning and then the sound of a cat walking a and licking at a body. The main part of the sound comes from the heavy brething of  a man in camoflauge and an arrow whooshing throug the air. The first thing you see is a forest with ash falling all around it, the shot then pans down to the ground and you see a gun, and as the shot carries on there is a dead body obviously it seems the two are linked, as we pan across we have a view of the forest and then as we zoom in a we see a man with camoflauge aiming an arrow at the cat. The high point of the into is when the arrow travels at high speed across the woods but then stops and goes into slow motion which enhances the effect of the shot.

Brick (2006)
The film starts offa lot more gently that the first. In that it starts off with a slow piano sound, and a close up on a mans face, with gentle piano music playing in the background which doesnt really match with the image of the dead woman laying in the flowing water the only bit that matches would be that the water is coming from a sewer. there is a scene in a phone box where the man is taking a call but the shot makes him look isolated and small which would show inferiority in this context.

Gothika (2003)
The first shot is of the Columbia Pictures Logo but the colour is changed to suit the tone of the film so it is much darker. The first thing you rhear are the whispers that are coming from the asylum, along with tying this helps set the tone as a dreary dark scary horror movie, most of the shots are panning around the cage which shows it as a small enclosed space and the way the cage is there shows that maybe you should not be there, or it is protecting you from the woman insde it. There are also many many emotions such as calm, relaxed upset and crying which contrasts from each other.

1 comment:

  1. Some good notes Ed. Try to refer to the conventions we have been looking at and consider the effectiveness of different techniques.
