Wednesday 9 February 2011

How does the skins promo trailer create representation for young people?

How does the skins promo trailer create representation for young people?
  When it comes to the editing of the trailer it fits in really well with the idea of being out of control. It cuts sharply from shot to shot giving the impression that it's much more fast paced than other shows. But it also fits in with the music which is also very fast paced (Standing In The Way Of Control – Gossip). This also agrees with the main idea of teenagers at this age being wild and rebellious. The whole trailer was filmed over what was supposed to be one night of the same party. The way it is put together from start to finish shows how at the beginning everyone is having a good time and enjoying themselves, but as the night goes on it gets worse. People start breaking things and the main couple starts to argue. This is a good way of showing how things can change so quickly when kids are let loose with themselves when they are causing chaos.

 The main thing to talk about with the camera angles is that all of the shots are made by using an unsupported camera to walk about the party. This gives a really good effect that you are a person at the party, helping you understand how and why the kids are behaving as they are. From what I saw most of the camera shots nearer the beginning were from a lower angle making them look bigger, more powerful and like they're having a great time.

 But, as the night and trailer goes on the characters are starting to be viewed from a higher angle making them look smaller, so for when the scenes of throwing up are happening it makes them look smaller and more insignificant. Helping with the idea of the end of the night being “messier” than the beginning.

When it comes to things inside the mise-en-scene such as the costume, all the costumes denote that they are from a similar are an social standing. This is deceiving as it is a very different situation in the actual TV show. But this also means that it may be deceiving in the way that it shows teenagers. Especially if we compare it to the extract we have watched. Again when it comes to the mise-en-scene and we think about the location, the party is set in just a normal house which adds to the realism of the program as it is a normal "house party". Not a club in a VIP area which would be much less realistic.

When it comes to props there is a very large variation of types of props from bear suits to bongs. This is supposed to help it be beleiveable that these kids are normal people. A lot of the pictures show them engaging in recreational drug use and sexual activities which ignores the usual "taboos" of these subjects again showing that they are normal teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent effort Ed. You are beginning to look at the detail, which is important if you want to do well in the exam. Try to refer to the camera as 'point of view' rather than 'unsupported'. Good work on the angles, and well done for linking editing to sound. m
