Sunday 28 November 2010

Film Synopsis

The film opens with our main character Alex, a nomal student walking home, his usual route goes past the phone box, but today is far from usual, the phone box rings, hesitant at first he walks over and cautiously answers, all he can hear is brething from the other end. He gives up andputs the phone donw. For the rest of the night e doent giveit a second tought, assuming its just some kids prank calling. It's a gloomy night. As alex walks home he listens to his music, oblivious to the fact that he's big watched.

As he walks home the night becomes darker until it's pitch blck, but he gets gome to find the door open.This doesn't phase Alex as he realises his parents have probably just left the door open so he thinks nothing of it. He takes is coat and shoes off and walks upstairs at the precise moment a masked figure appears at the window. He goes upstairs to pour himself a glass of water, leaving the tap running he walks across the landing, the light flickers quickly on and off bringing thr masked figure into view. he climbs into bed and goes to sleep. He is then woken up later by his phone ringing, again he thinks nothing of no-one being on the other end. He goes back to sleep only to be woken up by he light rapidly flickering on and off and standing opposite him the masked character wielding an axe. (This is our three minute thriller opening, and now this is  vague outline fo the rest ofthe movie)

Alex is captured after a struggle in his house, he has a broken leg. He is bound and gagged and trown into the back of a truck. He travels for hours and finally comes to a stop. He is thrown into a small cell like room. He is questioned for days. None of the questions ever make sense. They are in the same lnguage but mean nothing to him. After a few days there is noise. He is grabbed again, leg still broken he is dragged across the floor and outside into the burning sunlight. He blacks out.

He wakes up to a nurse standing over him. After a few days of recovery he is sat down in front of the police. They need his help to raid the main base of the people who captured him, the are people known as the resistance Alex, is told to compare this to the antagonists in Fight Club. The reason they need Alex is because he should know the layout of the base. He claims to know nothing but the people say they can access his subconcious to find any thoughts. As he agrees they take him to a room and strap him in the chair, they anesthatise him.

He wakes up to the seemingly startled faces of the scientists. "Did you find anything?" Alex asks."Yes, but not what we were hoping for" he replies. "Oh?" "Yes, it would seem that we found out the leader of the group, which may help us just as much" "And?" "It's you..."

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